Statutory Instrument Tracker® app
Monitoring 1000+ regulations each year is a painstaking job. Use our SI Tracker to make sure you don't miss out on any critical legislative developments.

The legislative landscape changes regularly and the parliamentary process for Statutory Instruments (SIs) is complex. So, you need access to the latest information as quickly and efficiently as possible. With the SI Tracker® you can tailor updates and alerts to your policy interests and compliance needs.
Keep up to date with legislative and regulatory changes across your devices

Many of the legislative and regulatory changes in the UK are being made through Statutory Instruments (SIs). But the SI process, particularly in Parliament, is convoluted and difficult to follow. Our unique tracking service will keep you up to speed with consultations and the progress of SIs through both Houses of Parliament so you don't miss out on updates or critical deadlines.
Track business-critical SIs and plan against key dates
Updated daily – Every SI laid before the Westminster Parliament is added to the Tracker. You can view the SIs in the online app and also opt into our daily email alert.
View the critical information in one place – Details of the parent Act, the scrutiny procedure, scrutiny deadlines, the 'made' and coming-into-force dates, Committee reports, debate transcripts and related SIs are consolidated in one place so you can view them and the links you need from one page.
Identify key dates – The next steps in the parliamentary process, including the dates for Committee meetings, debates and approval motions in each House, are set out in a clear and accessible way.
Find an SI – Filter SIs by policy sector, or search for SIs by number, department, scrutiny procedure or keyword.

Build a personalised dashboard to track what matters most to you
Fine tune your monitoring – Create your own watch-list of SIs to track via your personal dashboard. There's no limit: save as few or as many SIs to the dashboard as you want, all at the touch of a button.
Keep on top of an SI's progress – As SIs on your watch-list make their way through Parliament, keep up to date with what happens to them via in-app notifications and email alerts (for example, when a Committee meeting or Chamber debate is scheduled, a report is published, or an SI is withdrawn).
Focus your efforts at the right moment – Use the in-app calendar to stay on top of critical deadlines so you always know what’s coming up and what to focus on next.

Have your say and influence consultations on critical regulations
Stay informed – All Government consultations on draft SIs, and consultations that give an indication they could result in SIs, are added to the SI Tracker® each week. View the consultations in the app and opt into the weekly email alert.
Find a consultation – Filter all consultations by policy sector, or search by keyword.
Make your voice heard as early as possible – All the information you need to respond to a consultation in a timely way can be accessed from one page, including the consultation publication and the deadline for submissions.
Keep up to date – Add a consultation to your watch-list and you’ll be notified about updates, including when the Government publishes a response or when any resulting SIs are laid before Parliament.

Save time and reduce risk
Save time – Monitoring 1000+ regulations each year is a painstaking task and the parliamentary process is complex, so it’s easy to miss something vital. Using our SI Tracker® will save you time which can then be spent on other tasks.
Don’t miss out on vital information – Our team monitors dozens of parliamentary and government sources each week so you don’t have to! All the information and papers about an SI are consolidated in one place so you can access the information quickly and flexibly across all your devices.

Our User Guide explains how to use the key features of the SI Tracker®, alongside clear examples, and how you can use them to find the information, dates, and documents you need.
Explore how the SI Tracker® can help you...
The three short videos below will guide you through all the key features of the SI Tracker® so you can see what it looks like, how it works, and how it could make a difference for you and your organisation.
Monitor SIs laid before Parliament - finding SIs using filter and search
Plan against key dates - using the dashboard watch-list and calendar
Engage with the legislative process - accessing consultations and email alerts
What are the subscription terms and conditions?
What are the subscription terms and conditions?
When you subscribe to the SI Tracker® service you will be asked to accept an Agreement between you (the Customer) and the Hansard Society (the Supplier), which comprises the Subscription Terms and Conditions, the Authorised User: Terms of Use, and the Service Level Agreement.
Terms and conditions are notoriously dense and difficult to understand. However, they contain incredibly important information about the service you are using and your rights as a customer. So, to help you understand the commitment you are making, below are detailed some of the key points that customers raise with us about the T&Cs.
Is this a recurring subscription?
Yes, a subscription is for 12-months (the Initial Term) and will automatically renew for additional one-year periods (the Renewal Term), unless you cancel.
How do I cancel the subscription if I do not want to renew?
You can cancel the subscription by giving us 90 days prior written notice (see clause 13) before the renewal date. We will contact you in advance of your renewal date to remind you of the upcoming deadline.
Does the Fee increase each year?
We reserve the right to increase the annual fee after the first year. However, the increase shall not be greater than the percentage increase in the most recent Retail Price Index, as published in the month or period preceding the implementation of the increase (see clause 8).
We will not introduce more than one increase in any 12-month period.
We must give you 30-days' written notice of our intention to increase the Fee.
You can cancel the Service within that 30-day period.
If no cancellation of the Service is requested, the increase in the Annual Fee will be implemented.
What support does the Hansard Society provide for customers using the SI Tracker®?
The Society provides customers with the same or next Business Day 'Helpline' support by email or telephone. The purpose of this support is to give Customers general assistance in the use of the Service, for example by helping Customers to understand the process/procedures set out in the SI Tracker®. We do not provide advice on substantive matters of policy in relation to particular Statutory Instruments or other legislation.
The support is provided on the basis that usage will be fair and reasonable (see the Service Level Agreement).
Customers may also request online training on the use of the Tracker if they have not previously received such training. We reserve the right to charge an additional fee for any additional training required by the Customer.
What happens if the SI Tracker® is unavailable?
The SI Tracker® is very rarely offline. We do have a 'planned maintenance window' (Saturday 02:00am GMT to Sunday 20:00pm GMT) written into the Agreement during which time we may take the Service offline, in order to carry out software updates and implement functionality improvements. However, we alert Customers to this work in advance so you can plan ahead.
In the event that the Service is unavailable for more than 24-hours, for reasons other than a Force Majeure event or planned or unscheduled maintenance, then our Customers are entitled to reimbursement of a pro rata share of the Annual Fee for the downtime endured. To date, this has never happened.
What happens to our personal data?
The only data we collect is that which is required to process subscriptions, payments and to set up User Accounts. How and why we manage data and confidential information is set out in our Privacy Policy. We will never share your data with any third-parties.
Can I change my nominated User Account holders during the subscription period?
Yes, that is fine. If you are not using your full User Account entitlement, then just email us the details of the person you want to have access to the Service, and we can set them up on the system within 24-hours (and often much quicker).
If you are using your full User Account entitlement, then to add someone new to the Service, you should either: a) request an additional user account and pay the additional user account fee; or b) remove a designated user and replace them with another user. In the case of (b), simply email us the details of both the User you want to remove access from and the User you want to grant access to, and we can set that up within 24-hours or less.
Who is the SI Tracker® for?
Who is the SI Tracker® for?
The SI Tracker® is an online solution for those who need to track legislative and regulatory changes being made through Statutory Instruments laid before the Westminster Parliament. It ensures users have quick access to the latest information and intelligence on all SIs laid before the UK Parliament as they progress through both the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The SI Tracker® is used by a wide range of parliamentarians, lawyers, campaigners, academic researchers, public affairs executives and regulation and compliance officers.
What SIs are captured by the SI Tracker®?
What SIs are captured by the SI Tracker®?
The SI Tracker® captures all Statutory Instruments laid before the Westminster Parliament since the start of the 2017-19 parliamentary session. In addition to SIs that are subject to ‘standard’ parliamentary procedures, such as the 'negative' and 'affirmative' procedures, we also monitor SIs subject to bespoke ‘strengthened scrutiny’ procedures such as Legislative Reform Orders, Localism Orders, Public Body Orders and Remedial Orders. The SI Tracker® also captures statements of changes to the Immigration Rules.
The Tracker does not include SIs that are ‘made-only’ (i.e., not laid before Parliament), such as Commencement Orders. However, to assist clients we now include links to new Commencement Orders in the daily update email. This link takes you direct to the Order on
The Tracker does not include SIs that are laid before the devolved legislatures only (i.e., Scottish Statutory Instruments, Wales Statutory Instruments, and Northern Ireland Statutory Rules). However, there are some devolved SIs that are laid before the Westminster Parliament and so are added to the Tracker (e.g., SIs that require approval by multiple legislatures, Northern Ireland Statutory Rules when the Northern Ireland Assembly is not sitting, etc).
How frequently is the SI Tracker® updated?
How frequently is the SI Tracker® updated?
The SI Tracker® is updated every working day. Our team adds new entries and updates existing entries within 24 hours of an SI being published or a parliamentary event occurring. Our service is the most rapidly updated and comprehensive database of SIs laid before the Westminster Parliament.
Can I access historic data from the SI Tracker®?
Can I access historic data from the SI Tracker®?
Yes. The SI Tracker® includes all SIs laid before the Westminster Parliament since the start of the 2017-19 parliamentary session. Subscribers can access the records of all SIs captured in the SI Tracker® since this date. Once an SI completes its parliamentary passage it moves from the 'live' list of SIs to the 'concluded' archive list, but it can still be accessed at any time and is included in the search function.
How can I access the SI Tracker®?
How can I access the SI Tracker®?
The SI Tracker® is a web-based app so it can be accessed on devices such as your smartphone, tablet, laptop and desktop, providing they are connected to the internet.
Once you complete the subscription process we will send you the link to the app, along with your username and password. Once you have these you can log in anytime. You should receive your account details within 24 hours (and often much quicker), once the necessary checks are complete on your application and payment.
Why does the Hansard Society provide this service?
Why does the Hansard Society provide this service?
The Hansard Society is the leading research organisation dedicated to the study of Parliament. While researching our report The Devil is in the Detail: Parliament and Delegated Legislation, we discovered that business and civil society found it very difficult to keep track of Statutory Instruments. Using our knowledge of how the parliamentary scrutiny system works, we built the SI Tracker® with support from the digital development agency Tinderhouse.
Our own team use the SI Tracker® for research purposes. We use the unique database to generate evidence about the way in which the scrutiny process works, and use the findings in Select Committee evidence submissions, media briefings and our own publications. We therefore have a vested interest in making sure the SI Tracker® data is accurate and precise.
The Hansard Society is a not-for-profit organisation. The subscription income generated by the SI Tracker® is re-invested in our research and education projects. So, if you subscribe to the SI Tracker®, you are also helping support our wider work to promote parliamentary democracy and champion more informed public understanding of how Parliament works.
If I don't understand something in the SI Tracker®, can I contact the Society?
If I don't understand something in the SI Tracker®, can I contact the Society?
Absolutely! We have a friendly and easy-to-reach SI Tracker® team who are happy to be contacted by either phone or email. The SI Tracker® Terms and Conditions include a 'fair use' policy for using our services in this way.
In addition to helping you unpick the complex SI system, our team of parliamentary specialists can also provide bespoke training masterclasses in all aspects of the legislative process and parliamentary procedure, to complement and support your research and monitoring needs.
What is the return on investment of an SI Tracker® subscription?
What is the return on investment of an SI Tracker® subscription?
Each year around 1,000+ regulations are laid before the Westminster Parliament. Tracking these is a painstaking job, and keeping up to date with multiple sources of legal, governmental and parliamentary information about an SI is complex and difficult.
The biggest ROI is therefore in the saving of staff time looking for the regulatory needle in a haystack. In short, using our SI Tracker® will save you time (and therefore money) which can be spent on other tasks. It will also reduce your exposure to risk - there's less chance of you or a colleague missing some vital information or a critical scrutiny or submission deadline. We keep track of all the parliamentary details so you don't have to!
Corporate Plan
Price on request Up to 5 x user accounts
Used by public affairs and law firms, businesses, trade and membership associations.
5 x user accounts for the Statutory Instrument Tracker® web app.
Option to purchase additional user accounts for flat fee of GBP £100 / year per user.
Access to procedural advice on a 'fair use' basis, Mon-Fri 9:30am-5:30pm.
Everything in the Individual Plan.
Pricing tiers:
Our pricing structure is based on your organisation's gross annual income:
Small (below £1 million)
Medium (£1 million - £2.5 million)
Large (over £2.5 million)
Non-profit Plan
Price on request Up to 5 x user accounts
Used by registered charities, educational institutions, local government and regulatory bodies.
5 x user accounts for the Statutory Instrument Tracker® web app.
Option to purchase additional user accounts for flat fee of GBP £75 / year per user.
Access to procedural advice on a 'fair use' basis, Mon-Fri 9:30am-5:30pm.
Everything in the Individual Plan.
Pricing tiers:
Our pricing structure is based on your organisation's gross annual income:
Small (below £1 million)
Medium (£1 million - £2.5 million)
Large (over £2.5 million)
Individual Plan
GBP £300 / year (+VAT) 1 x user account
Used by academic researchers, journalists, parliamentarians and comms/public affairs freelancers.
1 x user account for the Statutory Instrument Tracker® web app.
Daily email alert about new Statutory Instruments.
Weekly email alert about new SI-related consultations.
Discounts for Hansard Society training programmes and events.